Publication List English
Generation of a Transgenic Zebrafish Line for In Vivo Assessment of Hepatic Apoptosis
Quality Control Protocol for Zebrafish Developmental Toxicity Studies
Generation of a Transgenic Zebrafish Line for In Vivo Assessment of Hepatic Apoptosis
Quality Control Protocol for Zebrafish Developmental Toxicity Studies
Congenit Anom (Kyoto). 2016 Jan;56(1):18-27. doi: 10.1111/cga.12142.
Using zebrafish in systems toxicology for developmental toxicity testing.
Nishimura Y, Inoue A, Sasagawa S, Koiwa J, Kawaguchi K, Kawase R, Maruyama T, Kim S, Tanaka T.
Author information
With the high cost and the long-term assessment of developmental toxicity testing in mammals, the vertebrate zebrafish has become a useful alternative model organism for high-throughput developmental toxicity testing. Zebrafish is also very favorable for the 3R perspective in toxicology; however, the methodologies used by research groups vary greatly, posing considerable challenges to integrative analysis. In this review, we discuss zebrafish developmental toxicity testing, focusing on the methods of chemical exposure, the assessment of morphological abnormalities, housing conditions and their effects on the production of healthy embryos, and future directions. Zebrafish as a systems toxicology model has the potential to elucidate developmental toxicity pathways, and to provide a sound basis for human health risk assessments.