Publication List English
Generation of a Transgenic Zebrafish Line for In Vivo Assessment of Hepatic Apoptosis
Quality Control Protocol for Zebrafish Developmental Toxicity Studies
Generation of a Transgenic Zebrafish Line for In Vivo Assessment of Hepatic Apoptosis
Quality Control Protocol for Zebrafish Developmental Toxicity Studies
Masuoka H, Ito M, Sugioka M, Kozeki H, Konishi T, Tanaka T, Nakano T.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1993 Jan 29;190(2):412-7.
We examined the inhibitory effects of vesnarinone, a new cardiotonic agent, on human cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE). Vesnarinone selectively inhibited the activity of human cardiac cGMP-inhibited PDE with a Ki value of 8.5 microM. The inhibition of human cardiac cGMP-inhibited PDE by vesnarinone was not competitive but was of the mixed type with respect to cAMP. Although the activities of the cGMP-inhibited PDE from human heart, aorta, platelets, and kidney were inhibited to the same extent by cGMP, enoximone, and cilostazole, vesnarinone inhibited the activities of cardiac and kidney cGMP-inhibited PDE with 10 times greater potency than those of platelet and aorta cGMP-inhibited PDE. These results suggest that there exist, in human tissues, two isoforms of cGMP-inhibited PDE that can be distinguished by reference to the inhibitory effects of vesnarinone.